The Ultimate Facebook Ad Cheat Sheet

With over 2 billion accounts and active users, it’s no surprise that advertisers are trying hard to harness the power of Facebook to boost sales.After all, the platform is not only known for high engagement, but countless business owners also swear by its efficacy in increasing visibility and revenue.

But there’s a catch.

Since hundreds of people start advertising on Facebook every single day, getting the ROI that you hoped for isn’t quite as easy as you thought it would be. Facebook advertising is becoming increasingly saturated, most users end up scrolling past most of the content that they see.

And that’s not great news for Facebook advertisers.

The more popular Facebook is becoming, the more effort advertisers will have to put in to get the results that they’ve been looking for. As a result, businesses that were relying on traditional strategies

are now taking the hit and incurring huge losses since their ads end up getting lost in the crowd.

Don’t want to see that happen to yourself? Here are some surefire tips to help you get more out of your Facebook ads.

Keep Text to a Minimum

There’s a lot that needs to be taken into consideration when advertising on Facebook, but keeping your ads as visually attractive as possible ranks high in that list.

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the amount of visual content available on the social media platform. This is particularly because content that’s laden with images, videos, or aesthetic graphics is more likely to attract attention, ultimately offering better return on investment than content that’s strictly text-based.

While Facebook itself does prompt users when their ads have too much text, you should keep the 20% rule in mind when you’re designing your Facebook advertisements. Since advertisements that contain a lot of text are generally too promotional and lack any real value, Facebook has also launched a tool that you can use to check just how much of your ad is covered by text to get an idea of how it will be received by your target audience.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Business owners start getting a little too comfortable as soon as a strategy or two starts reeling customers in.

In advertising, that’s a grave mistake.

When you’re advertising on a highly competitive platform such as Facebook, complacency can be deadly. With so much competition around, the only way you’ll really be able to keep the ball in your court is if you’re innovating constantly – especially when you’re already winning.

With each successful advertising campaign you launch on Facebook – or any other platform, for that matter – your audiences start expecting more from you as a brand or business. With that said, if you can’t show that you’re capable of bringing something new to the table every single time, your audiences will automatically start moving towards businesses that put their money where their mouth is.

Since advertising is – and always will be – a very personal affair, you need to put in every ounce of effort to show that you’re genuinely concerned about their needs and wants.

But that’s not all.

You’ll also have to play around with the advertising model you’re using to ensure that get the most out of your efforts. Since advertisements and the motive behind them vary considerably, you’ll not only have to exercise due diligence, but also practice A/B testing to see which model works best for which advertisement.

The best part about using Facebook to advertise your business is that you’ll have a variety of options that can help you regardless of whether you’re a novice or a seasoned advertiser. Facebook will not only give you the chance to choose between CPC and CPM, but you’ll also know which model to choose for a high CTR.

As you might have guessed, leveraging on the tools and information that Facebook itself provides is your best bet if you want to excel at using Facebook to advertise your business.

Use the Interests of Your Audience to Your Advantage

Every marketing and advertising guide you’ve read has probably told you to research into your target audience and find out what they’re interested in.

If you’ve done that, we have good news for you.

Earlier, Facebook was very limited in the options it gave advertisers. Fortunately, that has changed considerably since 2015.

With its Detailed Targeting algorithm, Facebook allows advertisers to target different sets of interests, behaviors, and categories of prospects to help you get the results that you wanted from your advertising campaign. Additionally, you can also target your audiences based on any life events that might be relevant to the product or service that you’re offering.

By understanding the bulk of your target audience and using the right operators to mix and match between subcategories, you can be sure to increase sales and revenue without breaking a sweat. 

Avoid Shoddy Headlines

As a Facebook advertiser, creative and magnetic headlines are your best friend. As we said earlier, the majority of people only scroll through posts and content on Facebook.

But that shouldn’t be your excuse to settle for headlines that were created without any thought or effort.

By creating a sense of urgency and using action words through your headlines, you can not only maximize your ROI and click-through rate. What’s more, you could also try highlighting the features and benefits of the product or service that you’re offering to emphasize on how your audiences are missing out.

Looking for a good example? Check this out:

This Facebook ad does not only have an interesting headline and captivating image, but also packs a punch by including a testimonial.

Now that you know how to create winning Facebook ads, we recommend that you start working on figuring out your target audience and start testing your ads for unprecedented results.

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